Welcome, new members!

Welcome as the newest member of Friends of the Mississippi River! You are joining over 6,000 of your fellow community members who support and volunteer with Friends of the Mississippi River (FMR), taking an active role in protecting your water and land resources. This support enables us to conduct conservation and restoration efforts that make the river and the watershed a healthier, safer and more welcoming place for all of us.
Your membership also adds strength to Friends of the Mississippi River's position as a voice for the river in local and state decision-making forums. You are helping us advocate for clean drinking water, the protection of critical habitat necessary for wildlife and water quality, and for river-friendly development.
As a member of the Friends of the Mississippi River, you will receive the following member benefits:
- Friends of the Mississippi River's newsletter. The most recent newsletter is available on our newsletter page.
- Advance notice of free events, educational workshops, and other activities. Visit our events calendar.
- Updates on critical issues affecting the river through special action alerts and our Mississippi Messages e-mail update.
- Friends of the Mississippi River's Annual Report.
Your membership really makes a difference for the Mississippi River. On behalf of our board of directors, volunteers and staff thank you for joining us!
For the river,
Whitney Clark
FMR Executive Director